
Corona PrincessThe diary of a  quarantine Artist

Private project in my Attic Studio during the pandemic 2020

Soundtracks with a video series that reflected my experience of being in the pandemic, a reminder of what happened. It seems now, we have all forgotten?

Not be be played live.

Love, Hope, Daughter, Autonomy, Distance, Alone

Trances of Casualty 2012 to 2013 . An investigation in how our future economic situation is destined to multiply the homeless. And it has. (This piece has been put to sleep)

CAGE the Project 2014 to 2024. A multidisciplinary project that traveled the world with an invitation for an artist to join me, and use their voice: The institutionalisation of everything, love, The anatomy of the vagina, Death. (This piece has been put to sleep)

Julyen Hamilton and Katie Duck. A once a year project in Amsterdam since 2012 – 2024 (Ongoing)

Abandon Human Sharon Smith and Katie Duck. 2018-2024 (Ongoing)

The Day After (Ongoing) a short video in a installation performance more coming here soon