The institutionalisation of fucking everything

Money means nothing

It is digital

It is debit

It is a symbol of a powerless power

There is no money

There is only power




The universe


The moon

The air, water, soil and food  

My heart. My soul. My body. My work

Red velvet blood gravy poured over a dead animal

Delusions of economic stability as we sleep

Emotional detachment spreads like locus on a rainy day

The person who passes you by asking for attention, for money, for food, for attention. Invisible

Slap your mind into shape.

Feel it. Feel it. Feel it.

Peel my skin

Sleep on my tissue system

Soft emotional passive aggressive 

Sham on me shame on you shame on us 

feel feel feel

Love, the lack of

Everyone on this ship hears nothing but the love

Even in Work

Even in Play

Even in the soft survival moment of the mind

We become the Rat

Torn so many times

Broken so many times

The heart

Ripped so many times

Abused so many times


Pillage, rape, robbery and murder

You hear how weak the love is

You see how what is said deeply hurts.

I waited waited and waited

I fell in love

Deeply in love

For the first time in my life

Deeply in love

With everything

Does it love you back?

The Anatomy of the Vagina

The anatomy of the Vagina Chemicals rush to the brain Shifts all taught aside Empathy

No bias. Birth is both genders, all races.

This belongs to all all all…..

Filling the mind with male bonding rules and regulations


Ceremonial services

membership gained in the forever forever forever

Boy clubs

Sharing equality

I think not

Share the in-titled agoraphobic “Give piece a chance” love lost in a fog of hippie silliness.

Men are men, woman are woman, cocks and pussy. Vagina silenced, not for centuries….since forever. Complete and perfect take over of the mind.
Tell the brain to tell the mind to shut up.

I know I am here but I cannot know if you are here. Are you here?
Or I imagine you here.
I know I am here.

Plant in the brain in absolutely every human being on earth

A chip that informs, transforms knowledge into empathy

Survive human race in your first breath up close and personal

Riotous Beautiful Monumental Perfect Perfumed

Tongues challenged, hold it close
We live in an Atheist, Agoraphobic, Caged Vagina I can not know if you are there, I know I am here. We are all Vagina living alone.
The first thing to eliminate is the Olympics
With our clean clear un institutionalised Vagina.


Give me the raging thunderbolt 

Crash and overwhelm with fire

Feel me peel me burn me

The skin transparent un afraid

Die Die Die

Listen Listen Listen Listen

Dragons to the left of me

Dragons to the right of me

Fire fire fire fire

Feel the heat

Hear the finale breath against my back bone

Her voice becomes a whisper a rumour 

White heat into the divine

Can you hear the fear? Can you see the darkness of the heart?

But this is my inevitable love affair 

Awaiting the moment of perfect transition

Black heart is glowing washing away the fear

Change belongs to life

Witness my fictional death

Die die die

Soon made real

Finally something I can do all on my own

How dare anyone use this as a moment to be afraid, to threaten this most perfect personal moment

Not the closing of the book. Its a page turner