Body Body Body Classes Katie Duck

In my multidisciplinary world, the body is the glue that brings all time arts together. We need to be reminded that the joy of moving is based on how we continue to be curious about the simple actions we do day to day. “Why did we learn to walk and why did we forgot to keep learning to walk”? As a baby we taught ourselves to move. But not in any specific order or at any specific age. We are and have always been diverse in how we move. Our aim is to rekindle a curiosity for what motivates us to move. My body work has evolved from studying baby’s.

I have developed exercises based on:

-Roll, sit, stand and walk.

-Increasing the use of the eyes and ears as part of our physicality (“there is a difference in how we look, watch or see. In how we hear or listen“).

-Increasing our agility with spacial orientation (“is the wall coming towards us or are we are going towards the wall? Is the music coming towards us or are we going towards the music?).

These are simple exercises accessible for artists from all time art disciplines to study. We finish the exercises towards an improvisation; We “play”.

“The chemical rush we receive to the brain enhances the mind to rekindle the use of our visceral memory. That memory is what we used when we first experienced creativity with our bodies. As we become adults, our memories increase, our emotions develop, our bodies get lost in the day to day forward actions. Our visceral memory is hidden somewhere in the joy of the” body body body”