This workshop can both function as an introduction to work with the voice
and as a deepening of this beautiful and profound craft. The voice
resonates in the body and first of all we deepen and explore the
possibilities of this resonance. There will be technical training on the
connection to the ears, the breath and on the development of the physical
support, which is central to the acoustic voice. The performative
framework will be improvisational structures. When we have time, then we
will work on aspects of text-performance since text is an inherent part of
the human voice. Bring clothes in which you can move and lie on the
My background: I perform and practice vocals for about 30 years. As major
technical inspiration I can mention members of the Roy Hart Theater and
most importantly my classical master Marianne Blok, with whom I studied
more that 12 years. There is a profound knowledge and respect for the
voice in the classical singing traditions of Europe (in my eyes very
contrary to how the so called ‘classical dance has developed). I have also
trained and performed much movement over the years. For instance the SNDO
Amsterdam in the beginning of the 1990ties. Currently I am very active as
composer and programmer of computer music.