OT301 Sunday Workshop Series

This workshop series has been created in response to requests to have on-going classes based on the role improvisation plays in creative process for performance and the connection with body. The workshop series is open to musicians, dancers, actors, singers, performance artist and anyone who has an interest is creativity and body. Workshops are led by artists who have conducted their work under the scrutiny of their research and practice. Teachers are Amsterdam based and from abroad, listed below with a link on their names about the artists and link on their title about the content of their workshop. The workshops are two and a one half hours long, held two times per month on Sundays 15:30-18:00 in the OT301 cultural centre. Specific studios for each workshop are listed below. Sunday Session take place directly after the workshops, 18:30 to 20:30 in the Bodlabot studio. OT301

An email announcement is sent to the Sunday Session list.  Participants need to go to the teacher by email (address list below) to let her/him know if they are planning to attend a class. If you are not on the Sunday Sessions mailing list, please go to katie@katieduck.com and she will add you to the list so that you receive announcements about the upcoming Sunday Sessions and the upcoming Sunday workshops teacher/artists.

 OT301 Overtoom 301, 1054 HW,  Amsterdam. Tuesday, 15:30-18:00 / Max 10 people per class  / Cash on arrival  / €10 per day 

Participators should park their bikes outside the OT301 building and not in the front of the windows of our neighbours.

2020 Workshops

September 6, 20

October 4, 18

November 8, 22

December 6, 13

Break from December 13 to January 10

Sunday Sessions  – Every Sunday 18:30-20:30

Improvisation Summer Course Amsterdam 

Freakatoni Witchy Weekends 

Xmas Workshop Dec 29, 30, 31





